Blank Family Tree Templates – Purchase Options

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Get The Family Tree Template and

Instructions You’ve Been Looking For!!!

(For A Limited Time, Students Get A Substantial Discount)

Blank Family Tree Template Collection & Detailed Instructions
List Price:
Get your copy of this incredibility comprehensive family tree starter kit. Your family tree starter kit is available for immediate download and includes:

Four Professional Family Tree Charts

  • Six-Generation Family Tree Template
  • Step-Family Family Tree Template
  • Adoptive Tree Template
  • Kid’s Family Tree Template

Detailed Chart Guide – How To Complete a Family Tree Chart

  • These Step-by-Step Instructions will show you exactly how to complete a traditional 6-generation family tree chart.

Five Family Tree Research Tracking Forms

  • Ancestor Major Milestones Form
  • U.S. Military Research Tracking Form
  • Cemetery Visit Tracking Form
  • Marriage Index Research Tracking Form
  • U.S. Census Research Tracking Form

Two Unannounced Special Bonuses

  • Birth, Marriage, and Death Vital Records Date Chart (This will save loads of time!)
  • Family Relationship Chart (See below for details and screen shots)

By purchasing online we’re able to provide you with these professional tools in seconds. You’ll be brought to the download pages immediate after your purchase.

Click Here to purchase

Students and Educator Discount
List Price:$9.00$5.00
Purchase(Academic Version)

The Blank Family Tree Chart and Instructions are provided at a special reduced rate for students and educators.

Your purchase entitles you to 30 copies of all documents for distribution to your students.

Click Here to purchase the academic version

Prefer to Pay By Check?
No problem. Simply send your check or money order to the address below paid order to “Chris Clegg”.

Then send us an email to let us know you are paying by check and we’ll write back with the download information for the Blank Family Tree Template Collection and special bonuses (see below):

  • Check payable to “Chris Clegg”
  • Mailed to: Chris Clegg, P.O. Box 15044, Portland, ME 04112-5044
  • Email to let us know you are sending a check. We’ll email you back within 24 hours with the download information.

Unannounced Special Bonus

Yours Free w/ Purchase!

Vital Records Date Chart

This critical chart is a listing of the year each U.S. state first started maintaining vital records (i.e, Birth, Marriage, and Death records) at the state level.

Family Relationship Chart


Ever wonder if there was an easy way to know who was who in your family tree. What makes someone a “Fourth Cousin Once Removed”? This chart makes it easy.

Dear Friend,

I’m so happy you decided to purchase this Blank Family Tree Template Collection and Detailed Instructions.

Please accept these bonuses as a special gift.

Remember, your satisfaction is guaranteed.

If you have any questions or concerns, simply let me know (207.619.2297).

I’ll refund the full purchase price the same day you ask me to, no questions asked. And the items will be yours to keep.

To your success,


T: 207.200.1898

What Others Have to Say …

(Unedited Feedback)

Hi there- Yes, the family tree was helpful. It was for my daughter’s class project and she enjoyed learning about the “Family Tree”. Thank you for your assistance. >> Robin A.

It was fine, thank you. My son needed to look at some ideas for a class project, so we were studying lots of different options. >> Cathy G.

The template is great–I’ve already used eleven pages in two days. Thanks so much! >> D W.

Everything great I have used it to show my family to the 4th generation great >> Mark L.

Chris, Thank you for the family tree. My daughter needed it for a school project and i’m happy to report that she recieved an A+ . Thank you so much. >> Wendy L.

THANK YOU FOR ASKING. IT DOWNLOADED OKAY. to be honest I have done any thing with it yet but it did come through. My gradfather came from Scotland and I did some research using the Scotish census information. Once again Thank you for the tree. >> Gordon R.

Hello Chis, Your download is simplicity at its best, many thanks, it is now in use and helping to log all my recent searches into the past. Keep up the good work. Kind regards. >> Cyril F.

Hi Chris No troubles thanks. It downloaded perfectly. Regards, >> Joan H.

Everything went great. I only had a problem placing the names exactly where they were suppose to go, and as I started getting closer to my 5th generation, I could put the last names in. Other than that everything was fine. I was trying to type all the names in on my computer. I typed as much as I could and then wrote the rest in. Thanks

Chris: Thank you for your help. We found out that my boyfriends mother and father’s family tree has already been worked on, so we will be getting those copies at the end of the month and continuing further with the Native American ancestry. >> Charanne G.

I had no problem getting the template. Now I’m trying to fill in the blanks Thank you >> Michelle B.

Hi Chris, Yes I was able to download the blank family tree template just fine. I have only recently started researching my family’s history. I have found it tough going on some of my ancestors.

A fire in a courthouse in Arkansas has created a roadblock. I am still plowing ahead. I plan to visit a great aunt sometime in the near future to see if she can remember anything to help in my search. All this research is very time consuming.

I love doing it though. I don’t think my kids like it though (I have young ones still at home). Thank you for your help. >> Husker B.

worked great – thx >> John L.

Many thanks for the download of your excellent template. I shall be using it in the near future, since I have only just began to order all my known ancestors onto index cards. My problem is that I and anyone born before me have been born abroad and not to British Citizens.

Some of the sources have been destroyed, therefore cannot be accessed. Also, to complicate the story even further, the various ancestors come from roughly four different areas in Germany, one of which is since 1946 under Polish administration. I am in touch with a German heritage association who are researching sources in the Polish administrated area. These people advise me to subscribe to the Mormon database.

What do you think? Many thanks for your email, and yes I would be interested in the challenges other family research beginners come across. In the meantime best wishes from >> Erika D.

Hi Chris, Everything went well. My son had to do a family tree for a school project and you had just what we need to finish it. He got an A on the family tree. Thank you again. >> Kelly O.

I was able to download it and save it to my computer. Thanks. >> Beth T.

The family tree template downloaded just fine & no problems opening it. Thanks >> Cindy L.

No problem with the template. The problem is to find the time to work on it. >> Lawrence K.

Thank you for the tree, it went well. My daughter used it for a french project. >> Nancy E.

Everything went fine. Have been doing genealogy for a number of years. I needed the template for my grandson who had to do a family tree for school. Gave him all I had from the computer, but didn’t have any blank ones for him to use. Thank you. >> Kirby S.

Things went okay. >> Ellen B.

Thanks a lot for your email. The template was great! Very useful resource indeed. >> Thamsanqa M.

Everything went well. Thanks a million! >> Carole K.

Hi Chris, Yes, I downloaded the Family Tree Template and thanks to you I will now start compiling my genealogical chart the moment I have spare. Thanks again and wishing you a Happy New Year! Best regards. >> Rolando B.

Hello Chris: I had no trouble with the download of the template, it was a very simple and easy download. It gave me a very good idea how to do my family rocord page. >> Linda S.

I found your page easy to access and use. Thank you for making this available. >> LuAnn J.

I did not have any trouble whatsoever with downloading the template for the family tree. Thank you for letting me download it, I greatly appreciate it. >> Liz E.

I look forward to your honest feedback as well.

Thank you!