Records Ireland

Irish Genealogy Sites: Records Ireland

What We’ve Read And Heard

Here you’ll find an Irish genealogy site with a professional genealogist and Record Agent based in Dublin, Ireland, providing a professional genealogical record searching service and an on-line ordering facility.

Records Ireland is a professional genealogical research service specializing in the provision of accurate and timely searching of specific genealogical records. Our decision to specialize in retrieval of specifically ordered records has allowed us to focus our service to clients, giving you the opportunity to direct your own research in a cost effective manner.

Hilda McGauley, principal of Records Ireland has been involved in genealogical research since 1996. She is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists in Ireland and has taken an active part in the Association’s activities for many years. Hilda also works with the Genealogy Advisory Service at the National Archives of Ireland.

Click here to learn more about what Ms. McGauley can do to help you with your Genealogy search.