Lesson 4: Climbing Your Family Tree

June 30, 2011 by  
Filed under Lessons

Lesson 4: Climbing Your Family Tree

Perhaps the most bewildering of all genealogical charts; the Ancestor or Pedigree Chart, is a constant of family tree building. Simply stated, it is necessary to all genealogists — and one of the easiest things to misunderstand. For many beginning genealogists it seems that it was simply designed to confound and confuse.

In Lesson 4: Climbing Your Family Tree you will begin by mastering the concepts and uses of the various styles of pedigree charts and by its finish you will be reading them and filling them out like a Pro. In this lesson and you will gain priceless knowledge by learning:

  • How to tell the difference between the numerous types of pedigree charts (there are several)
  • Hints and tips used by professionals that demystify this confusing chart.
  • Which type of chart will work best for your needs
  • Much, much, more

Get started today and you are just a few short moments and one small step away from building your own family tree with precision and accuracy.

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